Business VoIP Buyer’s Guide: 4 Stages to a Smart, Safe & Successful Investment

When it comes to purchasing a VoIP phone system for your business, the last thing that you want to do is “roll the dice” or “hope for the best.” You want to KNOW that your investment and experience will be rewarding instead of regrettable. To ensure this happens, we have prepared the following business VoIP buyer’s guide, which covers four stages in the process: Discover, Evaluate, Demonstrate, and Select. Business VoIP Buyer’s Guide Stage 1: Discover Basically, there are three different types of VoIP vendors in the marketplace: “Do-it-Yourself” Mass Market Firms, Carrier Service Providers, and Dedicated Solution Providers. “Do-it-Yourself” Mass Market VoIP Firms essentially care about one thing: selling as much hardware as possible. Quality assurance and customer support…

Want Easy Video Conferencing in Your Business? Then Get a Browser-Based Solution!

Video conferencing has been steadily growing in popularity for years, but the pandemic massively accelerated adoption across all sectors and industries. Consider these statistics: The size of the video conferencing market surged 500% in the first two months of the pandemic. (Source: TrustRadius) The global video conferencing market is projected to grow from $6.28 billion in 2021 to $12.99 billion in 2028 — which is a CAGR of 10.9% during the forecast period. (Source: Fortune Business Insights) 79% of workers believe that video conferencing is at the same level, or is more productive, than in-person meetings. (Source: Owl Labs) Difficult vs. Easy Video Conferencing While video conferencing has shifted from an optional nice-to-have into an essential must-have, not all solutions…

Video Conferencing Solution: 7 Undeniable Reasons Why Your Business Needs One

Before the term “COVID-19” entered the vocabulary, a video conferencing solution was largely viewed as a nice-to-have. But now, as we shift into the post-pandemic world that is dominated by remote working, a video conferencing solution is no longer optional. It is essential for ALL businesses, including mid-sized firms and SMBs that aim to thrive in the new normal. Indeed, the video conferencing market increased by 500% in the first two months of the pandemic, and the overall size of the video conferencing market is expected to surpass a whopping $50 billion by 2026. Below, we highlight 7 undeniable reasons why your business needs a video conferencing solution: #1: A Video Conferencing Solution Improves Productivity Nearly 4 in 5 workers…